10 Things you may not know about Germany

Posted by Shiv Kumar Gupta
Jun 30, 2017
Image German culture, History, Food, Nature and ease of Travelling

  1. Berlin is nine times bigger than Paris and has more bridges than Venice.
  2. Nearly one-third of Germany is powered by renewable energy.
  3. Berliners refer to the chancellor’s office as the “washing machine”!
  4. Most taxis in Germany are Mercedes-Benz.
  5. The German language is famous for its compound nouns. The longest word in the Duden German dictionary is the 36-letter Kraftfahrzeug-Haftpflichtversicherung, meaning automobile liability insurance.
  6. Drinking alcohol is legal in public places.
  7. Beer is officially considered a food in Bavaria!
  8. There are over 300 varieties of bread in Germany and even museums dedicated to bread!
  9. Prison escape is not punishable, as German law recognises the desire to be free as a basic human instinct.
  10. The narrowest street in the world is located in the town of Reutlingen. It’s called Spreuerhofstrasse and is 31cm wide at its narrowest point.

News Source: http://www.whatsupgermany.de/holidays-in-germany/germany-diversity-platter/

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