10 In Demand Careers in Marketing 2022

Posted by Lizzie Howard
Jan 4, 2022

Marketing is best described as the art of conveying a message to a new group of people. Most of the time, we think about it when placing it in context with sales. Marketing a product or service well makes it a lot easier to sell. It's also an amazing choice for your next career. Here are a few of the most in-demand marketing careers this year.

1. Graphic Designers

Images captivate their audiences like a cat tantalizing a mouse. Someone has to design all the fantastic visuals, filling modern advertisements. That's why there's such a growing need for new graphic designers. Learning to animate video and use computers would help you succeed in this field. You will want to learn the latest graphic design software systems to be up to date with industry requirements. This could include platforms like Adobe Photoshop and Canva. 

2. Content Creators

Content creation is a huge umbrella, covering several different jobs. You could become a content writer for a major in-house company or agency, publishing content for them daily. Or, you could help manage a company's social media presence by creating images, written content, and videos. 

Content creation would be perfect for imaginative people looking to wield their creativity. It's one of the few careers where imagination is one of your largest assets. This is ideal for someone who can think outside of the box. 

3. Sales Trainers

At the end of the day, most companies are interested in one day, boosting their bottom line. Generating revenue for a company is a straightforward way to make yourself valuable. That's why sales have been one of the highest-paying occupations for decades.

There's a constant demand for talented salespeople with a knack for teaching others. You'd be responsible for showing a team of newcomers the steps of the sale. And, you'd have to coach them through the close.

4. SEO Specialists

Websites have really changed how everyone does business nowadays. One of the most important things for a company is how well it ranks on search engines. Ranking above other companies means they'll attract more people, expanding their customer base.

If you're able to design a website to rank well, it's not hard to find work. Plenty of companies is looking for people with that skill set. However, landing an entry-level job in search engine optimization out of college requires training beforehand. If this is a career field you are interested in you must look for an internship that will teach you these skills. 

Most entry-level SEO careers involve on-page optimization, which involves keyword research and editing existing content on the website to be up to date with best SEO practices. Once you gain enough experience, or if you already have a background in coding you may choose to move into a technical SEO career that involves optimizing the backend of a website. 

5. Radio and Television

Back in the day, radio and television were kings when it came to marketing. They still carry a lot of weight for the industry. There are a lot more areas to use your talents today, but you can still make them valuable in this industry.

You could start working as a production assistant, helping put sets together. Or, you could join a show's writing team. Knowing how to market a show is necessary if the producer wants it to be successful. If they're not able, they've got to hire someone who is.

6. Paid Media

One of the cheapest ways businesses can advertise is through paid social media advertisements so there’s no question why it is such a popular option. With great demand comes great job opportunities. Paid media is growing and can be an interesting career. In paid media, you are responsible for creating and analyzing paid media campaigns for agency clients. To be successful in this field you should seek out an internship in paid media. There you will learn how advertising on the platforms works; they are all different! It can be a very fulfilling career but be aware, you will be your busiest around major holidays. 

7. Business to Business Sales

Directly approaching another business with a product or service sounds bold. And, it's one of the boldest forms of sales there is. Business-to-business sales are also one of the highest-paying segments of the marketing industry.

If you're able to attract other company’s attention, you'll never struggle to find a job. There are a ton of companies looking for talented B2B salespeople right now. And, there's no sign they'll be slowing down soon.

8. Direct to Consumer Sales

Another fast-growing marketing career would be direct-to-consumer sales. That's a fancy way to describe knocking on doors. That's right. A lot of companies have been hiring people to knock on doors for them.

You'd be working for commission, so you've got to sell to earn anything. But, you could market new internet service in an existing neighborhood. Or, you could convince people to invest in new security systems.

Sales jobs right now are in high demand and it is a fairly easy entry-level position to obtain, especially if you have an outgoing personality. Many companies will provide on-the-job training with courses like a sales pitch deck to teach how to effectively sell to a prospective client. 

If you're good at persuading people to do things, you could make a killing. Talented direct-to-consumer salespeople really rake in the dough.

9. Email Marketing

Who says, that email is dead? Email marketing is one of the most effective forms of marketing even today. You think with the number of spam people get that it would not be as effective, but a well-written, captivating email can lead to some serious sales. If you want to be successful in an email marketing career, take an internship, learn about best emailing strategies from big-time agencies, learn about CAN-SPAM laws, and familiarize yourself with the biggest emailing platforms such as MailChimp. Unlike what you read in the tabloids, email isn’t going away any time soon and email marketing jobs will always be in demand. 

10. Account Management 

If you are looking for a career in an agency, being an account manager may be your goal. You may have to start out as a junior account manager and work your way up. As an account manager, you will be the direct communication and support service for your marketing clients. You will brief them on the services your agency provides, answer their questions, and help dissolve any problems that may come up. 

To be successful in this role, it is best to have customer service experience and be friendly and personable. This role also involves wearing many hats so it is likely you will need to know or will learn how to do different functions in the company such as SEO and paid media. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics forecasts this job outlook to grow by 10% in the next eight years. 

Why Marketing Is a Great Career Field

Marketing is one of the oldest careers fields in the entire world. People have been spreading ideas to influence each other for thousands of years. Today, the marketing sector still supports huge swathes of the population. If you're looking for a new career field, there's plenty of opportunity in it whether you are interested in sales or an advertising role. You'll never run out of new options to try in this field.

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