
Tanim Shahriar Abedin

Web Developer, Web Application Developer, Blogger,, Last online: 1 month ago

Contact Info

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I'm a professional webmaster. I'm offering Facebook Fan pages promotion (Targeted and non targeted), YouTube video promotion, Twitter Promotion, Social Bookmarking, Website Design and Development, E-commerce site Development, Facebook Application, Wordpress, BuddyPress, Joomla, Magento, osCommerce, Drupal and ZenCart.

We use php, mySQL, ASP.Net, C#, JavaScript, AJAX, jQuery, CakePHP, CodeIgniter, Photoshop CS5, Illustrator CS5, Flash CS5.


  • CTO
    Mar 2010 to Present

    Eazesoft is a leading provider of end-to-end IT services and solution. We use a client-centric Global Engagement Model that combines local, senior, on-site resources with the cost, scale, and quality advantages of off-shore operations.

  • APSense Member
    August 11, 2010

    Joined the APSense community.

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  • Tanim Shahriar Abedin Is a ggod friend and very good professional.