As we know, Final Fantasy goes to XIV. Final Fantasy has gone through a long period of development. It has cartoon, TV series and films. In other words, Final Fantasy is quite popular and SE made a lot of improvements to make this game fun and challenging. FFXIV is the latest version and it got world wide popularity! This article is a question-and-answer about FF. If you are loyal fans of this game, you must be able to answer most of the questions.

1. Stone system in which to make its debut?

Final Fantasy VI

2, Chocobo foster system in which generation works in the Final Fantasy series debut?

In Final Fantasy, the bulk version of Claude age 7

3. The PC version is the first release following works which generation?

Final Fantasy 7

4, Final Fantasy X HD release date for the Japanese version?

December 26, 2013

5, "Final Fantasy 14" producer yes?

Naoki Yoshida

6. "Final Fantasy 14" in with "Ocean Goddess veil" reputation of the city is which of the following?

Li Musa · Luomin Sa

7, in which generation summon system works in the Final Fantasy series debut?

Final Fantasy -X

8, "FFXIV" theme song composer yes?

Nobuo Uematsu

9. Which of the following generation fantasy series of works eventually allow five people at the same time fighting?

Answer: FFIV

10. "There are 1000 words leaf" is Koda Kumi for which generation Final Fantasy concert works episode?

Answer: Final Fantasy X-2

11, real time battle system Hiroyuki Ito invention (ACTIVE TIME BATTLE, ATB) in which to make debut in?

Answer: Final Fantasy VI

12, Faye Wong concert of "Eyes on me" is what made the theme song?

Answer: Final Fantasy VIII

13, FFX HD release date for the Japanese version?

Answer: December 26, 2013

14, The transfer system in which generation works in the Final Fantasy series debut?

Final Fantasy XIV

15, "Final Fantasy XIV" The God Odin's horse in that?

Eight foot Smarter "Si Laipu Neil" (Sleipnir)

16, "Final Fantasy 2" Empire Rebel's name is?

Wild Rose

17, As the beginning of the Final Fantasy series, Final Fantasy is what a release date?

December 18, 1987

18, "Final Fantasy 14" hold time "Initially Crystal Journey" Shanghai station for?

February 25, 2014

19, "Final Fantasy 14" There are several options in the race?

5 races

20. Final Fantasy series, the most pull the wind gods Dusk airship appears as in what?

Final Fantasy 8

21, Final Fantasy 7, Claude weapons "Fenrir" can be broken down into several knives?
Six knives.

22, with the father of Final Fantasy is another name which of the following one?

Hironobu Sakaguchi

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