Going abroad is a dream many of us harbour, both as a child and then as an adult. It's one of those bucket list items that we want to desperately tick off as soon as the opportunity presents itself. However, going abroad comes with its pros and cons.

But, with a little planning and some advanced arrangements, you should be sailing smooth on your first trip to an international locale. After all, with some much technological advancement and tourism laws in place, how difficult can it be to set your foot in a foreign land.

Here are some steps that will help you plan your first trip abroad.

1. Choose destination to visit

While planning your first trip you must choose a destination and do a research for the same so that you can plan your travel and have a list of places you can visit.

2. Save on Airfare

When you are gearing up to go abroad, you might daydream about first class seats and exclusive airport lounges. If you have the money, go for it! But, if you don't, then you need to rearrange your priorities.

Start by looking for lowest airfares international and compare the prices across different sites. You should also check out some discounts so that the money saved can be instead spent on shopping or moving around the city. You might land yourself some additional discount if you are travelling on student visa.

3. Book Your Hotel in Advance

A lot of countries issue a visa only when your accommodation arrangements are in place. It only seems fair since it gives both the parties assurance of the stay. Also, it helps you stay relaxed as you know you will not be wandering around homeless in a foreign country.

Apart from this, planning your stay in advance allows you to check out different prices and get the best deal for yourself. Sometimes, when you are looking for lowest airfares international, you might be able to find a hotel deal clubbed with it.

4. Keep Essential Paperwork Ready and Safe

When you are travelling abroad, you will have to take special care of your passport. Make sure that you have a passport holder that can hold it and other documents securely. You should also care some other form of identification so that it comes handy should you need to prove your identity.

Also, try and keep a copy of your itinerary, your passport, and visa in your suitcase or backpack. Leave the set of documents at your hotel's locker so that they can be retrieved when the originals go missing. This way, you will never be caught in a legal mess in a foreign country.

These three trips will help you sail through your foreign trip with ease. But, apart from these, you should also pay special attention to your medicines and ensure that you are not suffering from any health problem that might crop up when you are far away from home.

5. Things to be packed in the luggage

If you are going for shorter, you should not carry heavy luggage with you. You should only pack necessary items, do not miss on your gadgets and toiletries.
But if your trip is for a longer duration then it is important to carry double amount clothes.

6. Check for the currency rate

When you have decided the travel plan, you must have the idea of the currency rates and easy you should carry the local currency of that destination.

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