Exclusive Invitation: Unblock your abundance with Christie Marie Sheldon...

The #1 Abundance Event on the planet is back...

Remove blocks that are holding you back (free invite)...

You may have been in the self-development path for several years now, but I believe you haven't experienced this yet.

It's Mindvalley Academy's #1 abundance clearing event — hosted by the legendary intuitive coach and energy healer Christie Marie Sheldon.

Click here to claim your seat >>

Why Is This Event So Special?

There are subconscious barriers that are hijacking your dream life that Christie calls Abundance Blocks.

She's so far identified 24 unique blocks after working with more than 20,000 people one-on-one.

Any one of these blocks can easily throw your life off-course.

And in just 60-minutes during this session, she's going to try and eliminate some of your Abundance Blocks.

This NEW group clearing event is specifically designed to help you tackle one of the biggest problems you may be facing: How To Earn A Bigger Income Doing What You Love.

Christie will help you discover your hidden talents and then clear the Abundance Block that stops you from earning a great income using those talents.

If you have the time and energy to invest in this special event, it will be worth every second of it.

Here's the link for more information >>

Shocking even to the most experienced personal growth student.

Even people who've been into personal growth for decades find it shocking when they see how much their abundance blocks were costing them over the years.

You see, financial strategies and taking massive action are all important. But without having your energetic vibration aligned to your financial goals, you'll face hurdle after hurdle for every step you take.

These hurdles are not only stressful, but they're completely unnecessary.

But once you remove your abundance blocks, your vibration will automatically align with your goals...

And suddenly, you'll find yourself making rapid progress.

Earlier this year, a similar clearing attended by over 20,000 participants seemed to prove this point.

The results that some of them experienced in the following days were nothing short of amazing...

==> I'm talking about surprise checks in the mail.

==> Lucrative business deals manifesting out of thin air.

==> Brilliant ideas that help you shine at work.

==> And other unexpected abundance synchronicities.

Imagine... what would your life look like if any one of these events happened to you consistently?

>>> Click here to take your FREE spot:

Here are the actual comments from participants after experiencing this Energy Clearing Session...


“OMG!!! Is anyone else experiencing the phenomenal side effects of this call? My daughter and I won a trip to San Francisco today, ALL EXPENSES PAID for a 5-day college tour among other wonderful priceless blessings… I am just so grateful!”

~ Moniesa Scott


“Before the event, I had a very sore neck and after the clearing it was totally gone. I really believe the Abundance Block was literally sitting in my neck knowing it would get “killed” that evening — and it did. Thanks so much Christie!!!

~ Sylvia Mann


“Thanks for the most amazing release — I landed my dream job within hours of listening to your broadcast. It was already in motion, however, my confirmation came only hours of listening to your webinar.”

~ Nadine Oliver


>>> Claim your FREE spot here:

[Revealed] The Hidden Barriers Hijacking Your Life Goals... Unblock Abundance Now!

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