Email Issues Keeping You Awake In the Night?

Make Your Life Simpler

  • NO MORE getting rejected by autoresponders who refuse to import your legitimate lists for no reason. 
  • NO MORE Paying a lot of money every month to your autoresponder and feeling shortchanged. 
  • NO MORE Getting frustrated about bad delivery and open rates week after week. 
  • NO MORE Being unable to use a different service or provider because your lists can’t be moved. 
  • NO MORE Making less money than you ought to because you are not able to mail all your customers. 
  • NO MORE Worrying about who has access to your list and who else is mailing it without your knowledge. 
  • NO MORE Being unable to try out a segment of your list to see if the offer works before mailing the entire list.

With Email Jeet You Can

Mail Any List Instantly!

If you got your list, mail it and monetize it. Why wait or worry about approvals? With Email Jeet it’s possible to monetize your lists without waiting.

Reignite Your Dead & Spent List!

Got a list that you think is not responsive anymore? It’s only because your current autoresponder can’t deliver your mails. With Email Jeet you can try a different mailing service and convert your dead list into an active one.

Do email marketing for other people!

Know a local business who has a list but can’t mail it? You can charge them to send out emails on their behalf and take a cut of the profits or charge per mail.

Never miss a sale again!

Autoresponder downtimes are a serious issue and they tend to happen right at the time of peak demand. If not a downtime, it’s delayed delivery. All of that is hurting your business. With Email Jeet as your Email delivery specialist you will always be the first to inbox.

Send Personalized Emails!

Email Jeet supports name labels {name}, so you can easily personalize each email to each lead and get higher opens instantly!

Watch Your Email Business Grow FAST!

Being able to mail all your leads without a limitation will help you grow your list and your email business faster. With better delivery and more funds at your disposal per mail out, your campaigns will have enhanced profitability and you will be able to earn more money per campaign.

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