Choosing The Best Autoresponder

Posted by Steven Egu
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You would be crazy if you tried to manage a large list of email addresses manually; you need to get yourself a good autoresponder. An autoresponder will automate a number of different tasks for you, making your job much easier, so you can spend your time concentrating on more important things, like writing your email copy.

The autoresponder will control the distribution of your emails as well as handle the opt-in systems that allow readers to subscribe (or unsubscribe) from your mailing list. It allows you to create, in advance, a series of messages and then set the times, or intervals, that you want them to be sent to your list. The best part is you only have to set this up once; the whole system is automated for you.

When looking for a good autoresponder, you should consider several different features, and you want to ensure you get a reliable product that will meet all your needs. Your requirements will be fairly basic if you're just starting out so you may not be concerned with every single feature the software provides, but you should seriously consider some of the more advanced capabilities offered by each autoresponder as your business grows.

One of the main features you should look for in a good autoresponder is the ability to handle multiple lists. You do not want to be limited to a single mailing list, as this will severely hinder your business. It's a good idea to maintain several separate lists for prospects, customers, and so on. You may even want to have separate lists based on what product your customer buys.

The software you choose should allow other mailing lists (outside your autoresponder) to be easily integrated. If you acquire an email list, you will want to be able to integrate it into your current autoresponder. This is especially important if you ever decide to upgrade or switch your autoresponder; you won't want to have to throw away all your email addresses just because you can't import them into another autoresponder.

Another point to consider is whether you want your autoresponder to be hosted by a third party (on someone else's server) or hosted locally on either your own server or own your own computer. Of course, there are pros and cons to both approaches. The hosted software will likely involve a monthly subscription for the service, but will have a high level of features and technical support, whereas a locally hosted autoresponder will be a lower, one-time cost, but the bulk of the technical handling of the software will be left up to you. What you need to consider is whether you have the time and knowledge involved in operating and maintaining your own software. If you're not too computer savvy then the hosted option is probably the best way to go.

There are a wide variety of autoresponders on the market today, each varying in both features and cost. Before you make a purchase, you should take a look at your budget and the requirements you have for your business in order to find the one that best suites your needs. You business will benefit greatly if you take the time now to choose an effective autoresponder.

Get all the information on autoresponders from my free autoresponder training series by CLICKING HERE