When you listen the word e-commerce development which word comes first in your mind? Obviously Magento.

In the past few years, Magento has became the other similar word to e-commerce and has impacted the various other e-commerce platforms and it is not hidden from anyone. Till now everything in Magento has been updated whether they are features of magento or editions. Magento platform provides every online merchant that they need to establish their online stores. The features like easy navigation to the products, easy catalog management, flexible payment and shipping options makes it the most recommended and preferred e-commerce platform for their online business.

Although Magento has succeeded every where in the world of e-commerce and now its going to put the flag of success in m-commerce that is shopping via mobile apps. As the whole world is moving towards the smart phones for their all purposes for which they were relied on their laptops or PCs. So why not shop online through their mobile phones like shopping on the websites. All the companies which provide the online shopping services are now trying to provide their services on the smaller screens like tablets or smartphones. So mobile apps are the best source to keep the customers engaged to their website and buying their products. This is a surprising point that the online merchants are the one who first discovered the need and ask their developers to make their e-stores accessible from the mobile devices. So the Magento came with Magento Mobile feature for their customers. But unfortunately they closed down this service. So there came other companies with their products for Magento and created mobile apps for the e-commerce owners.

The Magento Mobile Apps hold the following features with them :

Advanced Optimized Apps: The Magento Mobile Apps are optimized specially to fit all the devices. All the images and other things in the app are auto fixed with the screen sizes. This looks more impressive and more customers got attracted to buy the products. Advanced optimization feature makes it easy for the users to navigate throughout the app.

Creation Of Native Apps: The Magento Mobile Apps can be easily created as Native apps for Android and iOS platforms. Native apps helps the online merchants to get the maximum benefits by using the device specific features like camera, touch and various sensors. By utilizing these features the e-commerce businesses can reap the maximum revenue and happy customers.

Customizable App Interface: The app interface of Magento platform is very interactive that can be customized according to the business needs and there is complete control over the webs store and mobile applications.

Auto Synchronization: Auto synchronization feature of the Magento Mobile App makes it easy for the merchants to work faster and there is no time wastage in adding the products separately for both web and mobile app.

There are even some extensions which can be easily implemented to the magento websites that makes it easy to create the mobile apps and auto synchronization feature gets the website product catalog to the mobile app. All credit goes to Magento Mobile.

Article Via. Sooper Articles

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