Gives up-to-date information on Their latest project at the Liverpool Playhouse theatre.

Closed Circuit Security LTD. The Website homepage shows the quality of the QVIS cameras installed at the Liverpool Playhouse theatre.

Steve Maitland Says, The job was a large task given the time frame to install around 45 IP cameras, Internal and external was three weeks.

The Liverpool Playhouse is one of the most respected Theatres in Liverpool Merseyside. Hosting some of the greatest plays, such as Blood Brothers and Mrs Browns Boys, Featuring artists, such as Barbra Dixon, Anthony Hopkins and Richard Burton to name a few.

The Liverpool And Merseyside Theatre Trust Who are a charity supported through public funding from the Arts Council England and Liverpool City Council since 2003?Under the management of Gemma Bodinetz. Artistic Director and Deborah Aydon. Executive Director.

The Theatre has transformed artistically and physically to become the most respected E&P Liverpool Theatrical force it is today

The security system was supplied by Milgate Computer Systems And Installed by Steve Maitland a qualified CCTV engineer working at Closed Circuit SecurityUnder the Instruction from Milgate Computer Systems, Closed Circuit Security installed over 45 IP security cameras and two Cortex NVR systems within the building. Under the guidance of Mark Denison, IT theatre Manager.

Mark Denison has commented that this was a huge IP CCTV Security project that was well supported by everyone involved, including the ADATA Sales Manager Brian Milnes.

Closed Circuit Security virtually lived within the theatre spending many long hours Installing CCTV trunking and cables, hiding them from sight, Preventing damage to the Liverpool Playhouse Listed buildings décoration

To find out more details about this IP Merseyside CCTV Installation visit their website CCTV Installation Merseyside Closed Circuit Security Ltd are approved NSI Company since 2004 by the National Security Insptectorate

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