Visual 2000 International announced today the integration of real time shop floor analytics and employee time tracking into their End2End apparel software suite. The new functionality comes via a strategic partnership with Georgia based technology firm Shopfloor Support LLC.

“The addition of employee time management, equipment monitoring and advanced quality control is very powerful," said Visual 2000 V.P. of Research and Development Charles Benoualid. “Having real time production data will help our customers to streamline their manufacturing, increase employee accountability and improve product quality."

Based on the Android platform, the shop floor monitoring system is unique in that it does not require proprietary hardware in order to function. The application is available through a mobile app, or via a web browser, making it easy to access from any connected device. Data is passed through an in-shop WIFI configuration, making it quick to deploy in a wide variety of production environments.

“The goal is to remove gum sheets from the shop floor and minimize the keying that needs to be done by operators." Benoualid continued. “Doing so will allow for more efficient operations and better product quality control. It also takes the focus from menial tasks and allows personnel to focus on the job at hand."

Beyond measuring productivity, the shop floor management extension facilitates communication. Chat messages can be exchanged between shop floor employees and their supervisors within the applications interface. Data from the system can also be shown on large displays to ensure that all workers on the floor are aware of their progress and other key production metrics.

The new integration will be marketed under the name Visual It will be an available feature of the Visual End2End software suite and Visual, an enterprise management platform for apparel and footwear companies.

About Visual 2000

Visual 2000 provides End2End software to apparel, footwear and fashion accessory companies. More than 500 companies around the world take advantage of Visual 2000′s advanced ERP, PLM, supply chain management, warehouse optimization and business intelligence software.

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