I Love My Dog More, a new website focused on dog health, and alternative health care for dogs, just announced its launch. The new site features stories and tips on how to better take care of Labradors, German Shepards, poodles and other breeds of dogs.

For more information visit: http://ilovemydogmore.com.

Like-minded individuals composed of expert dog breeders, seasoned veterinarians, and dog lovers founded the website in order to give pet owners amazing insights on how they can love their dogs more.

Timothy Parker, CEO and founder of the said the website, says "We aim to create a community of dog lovers exchanging ideas, methods, and preferred materials to take care of their dogs. Our website wants to impart ideas, and collaborate with other dog communities in the hope of producing a worldwide community where pet owners and their dogs live a happy life."

Planning the website took four months, which includes fact-checking and ensuring that every details published in it are factually correct.

The difference between I Love My Dog More and other websites is that all of the writers on the site are actual dog owners and lovers. They make certain that all of the content they publish are from dog lovers who care for their pets, since the information they publish can do more harm than good if they are not careful.

All content that gets published on the site goes through a series of strict reviewing and editing before they are approved to be published online. Thus, ensuring quality material for dog lover readers.

The website also wants to create a community of dog lovers, sharing information and tips to take care of their pets.

Timothy Parker said “We want to establish a community where we're not the only ones posting. We want others to join in as well. I believe that doing this will help our visitors to feel like they belong. Because owning a dog is not something you keep for yourself, it's always nice to have someone to talk to and they could share their first-hand experience in solving problems, or preventing problems, that you might encounter."

I Love My Dog More will be publishing articles about alternative health care for dogs, dog health, tips and tricks for dog ownership, and more.

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