In a phenomenal change of pace, "W. A. Henway", will be celebrating the launch of his children's Kindle e-book by giving it away for Free. It's reported the event will take place for three days starting on Friday, August 21st until Sunday, August 23rd.

In a space where most competitors simply offer a discount that fails to cause much of a stir, W. A. Henway is opting to be a little more extreme with his "Jupiter's Encounter With Being Different: The Townspeople Learn A Valuable Life Lesson" launch.

Thurgal Bantywagon, Publisher for W. A. Henway, says: "At Bantywagon Publishing we desire to raise the bar with our Kindle e-book new release promotions. I want to get Henway's books into as many hands a possible, and I love giving away my clients newest releases."

It should be a worthwhile event, and they're anticipating that it will give the name W. A. Henway more recognition for his children's publications. It should go great unless Amazon catches on fire and burns to the ground right before the Free e-book giveaway day!

W. A. Henway is always improving on the approach of standing out and making a commotion. Henway says. "It's all part of the fun. Not to mention that it's going to get my biggest fans a copy of 'Jupiter's Encounter With Being Different' into their hands for free, which is awesome!" This launch celebration is just one of the many ways W. A. Henway will achieve his goals.

When asked about the launch of "Jupiter's Encounter With Being Different: The Townspeople Learn A Valuable Life Lesson," Bantywagon Publishing said: "We think it's going to be a real hit because parents love free stuff for their kids".

"Jupiter's Encounter With Being Different: The Townspeople Learn A Valuable Life Lesson" children's Kindle e-book is set to be given away for Free from Friday, August 21st until Sunday, August 23rd. To grab a complimentary copy visit and make sure to tell all friends and anyone with kids to grab their copy as well!

For more information about W. A. Henway and to browse his collection of children's e and print books visit his Amazon author central page at

Also, stop by for some other fresh deals!

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