Lawson Gems is an online supplier of ethical gemstones at some of the best rates on the market. The founder of this company has studied Geology at Queensland University and is dedicated to offering high quality products at competitive rates. This company is committed to offering the full disclosure of the origin and sourcing of its gems, so those who choose to buy products from Lawson Gems can always count on receiving quality on every level. Whether you are looking for emeralds, amber or anything else, you can always count on this store to find everything you need and have it delivered to you in the fastest time possible. This Australian supplier actually delivers its products worldwide, thus allowing everyone to take advantage of its offers and qualitative products.

Many people are aware that buying ethical jewellery has never been more important considering the problems that have been found in many mines and Lawson Gems always travels and verifies the places where its products are sourced from, just to make sure that gems that reach its virtual shelves has been extracted through secure methods and the purchase of such products has not financed terror. The team behind this company aims to offer its clients beautiful products at wholesale rates as well as the peace of mind that they will be buying ethical products. The company provides customers with cut gems or products in the rough as well as ready-made jewellery for those who do not own a store themselves and just want to buy something for their personal use. They can certainly count on the fact that they will impress their loved one with the products purchased from Lawson Gems.

Retailers who want to manufacture their own ethical jewelry can always count on this supplier to deliver them high quality products in the fastest time possible. From gold nuggets to rough sapphires, Lawson Gems has a wide variety of products for customers to choose from. In addition, since this company supports local communities and buys ethically sourced gems, those who choose to collaborate with it, will always be able to buy products that support the mining efforts of many small communities and help them develop. The team of this company travels frequently to gem producing countries precisely to make sure that everything they purchase has been obtained through ethical methods and to verify the quality of the products.

To conclude, no matter what gemstone you might want or where you might need it to be delivered, Lawson Gems is a reliable online store where some of the most beautiful gemstones can be found. This company will always maintain competitive rates and ensure that products that reach its website have been ethically sourced and have helped in actually developing small communities. Linked to gemmological institutions such as the Gemmological Association of Australia or the Asian Institute of Gemmological Science, Lawson Gems continues to keep the bar raised to gemstones standards and provide qualitative products.

For more information about ethical gemstones please visit or use the contact details below:

Contact Name: Charles Lawson
Company name: Lawson Gems
Exact Address: PO Box 1299, Indooroopilly, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 4068.
Phone no: Available on request
Email address:

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