So, is the Apple Watch worth it?

What it seems to come down to is whether or not you are an Apple devotee and trendsetter.

Early adopters will love this for the social cred this will earn them more than the usefulness of the Apple Watch itself.

In the long run, however, the Apple Watch (and Android watches, for sure) will expand in usefulness and beauty and it will be Apple who takes the lead for sure in all departments.

Just look to sci-fi movies of the 70s and 80s for clues as to what we’ll be able to do with these devices in the next five years — everything from genetic engineering to in vitro fertilization were works of fiction before they were reality.

As Napoleon Hill told us 80-some years ago, “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”

Here’s my take on all of this:

The pace of technological innovation is so rapid and so wide that it won’t be long before all electronic watches are smart watches.

Moore’s law has been shattered as we creep closer and closer to what Ray Kurzweil calls “the singularity,” which is that moment when man and machine will have completed that permanent interface that makes us equal parts of each and indistinguishable from the other.

A little over the top? Try this summary on for size then:

It’s still a first-generation wearable gadget, so we know it will get better, smarter, and cheaper in its coming iterations.

For Apple fans and people who like to stay on the cutting edge, this may be a worthwhile purchase or better yet...

Here's a way for US Residents ONLY to get it for FREE... Click the Image Below...
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