In a large business environment where organizations are made up of more and more specialists, an importance is given to leaders who can bring diverse groups together in a spirit of cooperation to get things done. These leaders are the collaboration experts and must guard against tribalism. What is tribalism? It is an attitude that arises when subgroups fixate on their own activities and fail to look at the organization as a whole.

This type of attitude arises when employees and leaders view their organization as divisible and compartmentalized. And with tribalism, physical and emotional energy distracts people from their jobs, waste resources and stops the flow of information, which severely weakening your organization's ability to compete.

So, you can use the following strategies to banish tribalism and lay the groundwork for cross-departmental collaboration:

1. Understand why tribes exists: Try to find out answer to these questions that Why do tribes exist and why are they so powerful. Here are some thoughts about tribes:

  • These are a tool for self-preservation.
  • They provide identity.
  • They create emotional ties in a world where people have a deep need for belonging.
  • It's pride usually causes members to think their ideas and practices are superior.

2. Create a clear, compelling and urgent cause:
As you have taken a team member out of a tribe doesn’t necessarily mean you will take tribalism out of the team member. You have to give that person a gripping reason to be a part of what you are doing. So, make your cause exciting and build a solid business case for what you are trying to do and inspire them to care as much as you do.

3. Never burn a bridge: The department or functional area you criticize today may be the ally you need tomorrow. So never diminish, disparage or dehumanize people from another tribe. Always remember the real opponent is out there, not in here.

4. Create Small Wins: Small wins have a way of breaking down barriers. It feels good to win and if winning requires the participation of two tribes that have been warring with each other, then both tribes now have a reason to work collaboratively.

5. Encourage people to socialize outside of work: Socializing with co-workers outside the office can open communication channels,  and also create better understanding and break down the walls of mistrust which contribute to lowering our stress. When we share a common interest or wrestle with some of the same issues outside of work, then you become a real person, and it makes it more difficult for me to point the finger at you at work.

These were some of the tips to improve collaboration in your organization. Does tribalism exists in your organization? If yes, then follow these tips or visit our website to know more :

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