I’m Also A Member Of Legends Mailer, Wooo It’s Sweet! A Must Have In 2014 If You Work Or Do business Online.

Gooday Readers,


I just joined a new mailer program that really is taking a whole different approach than anything I have ever seen before. Trust me, I belong to a lot of programs.


The new program is Legends Mailer by Janet Legere and Matthew Graves.  Janet and Matthew have over a quarter century of combined experience in earning full time incomes online, so you can rest assured that they know marketing. Both also run successful coaching and training programs for beginners, so they know what we need to succeed.


What makes Legends Mailer so different is that it is much more than just a mailer. It is also a Powerful Marketing Funnel for a very popular online program called The Legends Network. If you are promoting The Legends Network, it functions as a full-blown marketing funnel with autoresponder series and training videos to educate and motivate your downline in the mailer to join under you at The Legends Network too.


Premium Members can even use the high-converting marketing funnel created for The Legends Network as a completely standalone program separate from the mailer. Put traffic into the top of the funnel and signups for The Legends Network come out the other side.


There are big advantages to using Legends Mailer, even if you are not part of The Legends Network. With the ties to The Legends Network, the membership is made up of buyers, who are used to paying for the products and services that you are offering. These people see their online activities as a business, and business requires investment.


All that means high activity and responsiveness.


I almost forgot to mention that the site also pays 40% commissions directly from JVZoo and Premium Members get their payments instantly in their PayPal accounts. No waiting for your cash. You get it NOW!


With an experienced and caring pair of owners, high converting traffic, and 40% instant commissions, the time to join Legends Mailer is NOW!



Hidalgo Jones

Online Marketing Equipment







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