In reality every single person is in business for himself or herself - we are all really just building our own life regardless of who happens to write the paycheck to us. We are personally 100% responsible and accountable for our lives and what we do for a living - we all have to make a living otherwise we wouldn't supply the basic needs for ourselves or our families. So therefore it is really about success and failure - our "personal business" is about success or failure.

Just like any major corporation - the leaders of that corporation along with everyone involved with the corporation are ultimately 100% responsible and accountable for it's success or failure.  So it is with your "personal business" - so you need to ask yourself - is it growing, is it stagnating or is it faltering? Typically if it is growing the tendency is that it will continue to grow and prosper. If it's not growing then it is likely faltering and likely even dying either a slow or fast death. Not a good thing - so you should think about this - major corporations have a tedious red-tape process to go through in order to ensure that they continue to grow. On the other hand - you as an individual - with your own "personal business" can adapt much more quickly. In actuality you can likely double, triple or even in some cases quadruple your effectiveness in a very short period of time.

Experts have indicated that an individual can double or triple their effectiveness in 30 to 60 days - think about what that means to you and your "personal business" What is your time worth? What is your value worth today? What attention are you giving to your "personal business" - or are you?

Maybe it's time you started to think of your life in different terms and understand you really are working for yourself in your own "personal business": Do you have a primary goal - maybe you should make a want list - write down things you really want to do - things you want to accomplish - maybe you want a certain income - maybe you want to live life your way on your terms - how about a special vehicle or home or recreational home - a winter destination. These are some things you will want to consider.

The first thing of course is that with any business even your own "personal business" is that you have to be committed - you have to be 100% fully committed to achieving the goals you want that you have set out for yourself - you have to be willing to take whatever steps are required. When that happens your "personal business" will be a success and you will accomplish everything you set out for yourself.

Now go out there - turn around your life in the next 30 to 60 days and succeed with your "personal business" in order to live life your way and on your terms!

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