PaidVerts - new, innovative site that can provide a nice profit! 

PaidVerts pays you to interact with advertisers!

Paid ads will be delivered to your account daily. All you have to do is copy 3 lines of text about the ad. And then visit the website for 30seconds to unlock your instant cash payment.

Earn more with Bonus Ad Points!

Bonus Ad Points are how we measure your proven value to prospective advertisers. The more you accumulate, the larger value ads your account will gain priority in receiving.

Become a Recycler Pro with just $0.05

Users have 18hours to click on the ads issued to them, or they're automatically recycled to another user. Purchase a pro upgrade from your My Account page, to gain priority receiving these ads.

Advertisers! Communicate like never before

We delivered proven high value users to you website, who will first copy and paste your three unique selling points, in captcha form, before visiting. So they're primed, and know what they're looking at, when they land on your webpage!

Check out our bulk ad packs; $1 delivers:
(1) 50x paid visits to your website for 30seconds each, after users have copied 3 selling points about your business.
(2) 100x banner impressions 125*125px
(3) 25x top of page banner impressions 728*90px

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