This Is Going To Change The Information Business Industry!

I Have Broken Down My Training Program Into - 12 Step-by-Step Videos - teaching to Google Helpouts,

Teaching to Google Helpouts

Video 01 - What Is Google Helpouts?

As of the time of this writing, Google Helpouts is still new and I will be giving you an overview on how Google Helpouts can be a standalone business for you, or even an extension to your existing business.

Teaching to Google Helpouts

Once you get your account, it's time to put yourself out there! I show you how to write your Providers Listing in such a way that it attracts targeted clients and weed out the less interested prospects. Just as important, I also show you how you can get clients to choose you over your competitor!

Teaching to Google Helpouts

The best thing about Google Helpouts is that you DON'T need to have a website, product, list, or Joint Ventures to get started. As long as you have a computer with webcam (and Internet connection of course)... you're set to go!

Video 02 - How To Sign Up For An Account With Google Helpouts

I will walk you through the process on how to register with Google Helpouts. I will also show you a way to get your account right NOW instead of waiting for weeks of verification!

Video 03 - How To Register A Helpouts Account (For Non-US)

This video tutorial alone is worth the price of this course. While I hope this policy changes in the near future, right now the Helpouts Provider feature is available only to selected countries.

Helpouts Expert Secrets - teaching to Google

Teaching to Google Helpouts

So if you're not in any of these selected countries, Google will tell you that you can't become a Provider. I thought this sucks at first but hey, I found a 'loophole' around this!

Video 04 - How To Write An Attractive Providers Listing

Once you get your account, it's time to put yourself out there! I show you how to write your Providers Listing in such a way that it attracts targeted clients and weed out the less interested prospects. Just as important, I also show you how you can get clients to choose you over your competitor!

Video 05 - How To Get Your Listing Approved

The Providers Listing process doesn't just end with the 'submit' button. You need to get your Listing reviewed manually and approved by a Google staff! I show you how to get your Listing approved without problems.

Video 06 - Scheduling Your Availability For Clients

What's next? Getting into business! Set up your business hours and line up your clients!

Video 07 - How To Build Your Ratings Quickly

Brand spanking new? Clean slate? Wonder why your clients should pick you over other more established providers with several 5-star ratings under their belt? In this video I show you how to quickly build your credentials in possibly as little as one day!

Video 08 - How To Structure Your Helpout Session

Together I will help you plan out your Helpout sessions structure to wash, rinse and repeat with every client you meet on Google Helpouts.

Video 09 - How To Make More Money From Your Helpout Sessions

This is what you've been waiting for: making money! I show you how to bank in more dollars for your effort and increase your Customer Lifetime Value.

Video 10 - How To Get Clients

While Google will be helping to send clients your way, here are other ways to get the word out on your Providers service. Don't worry, I won't ask you to start doing SEO or find JV Partners :)

Video 11 - Dealing With Difficult People

No business is perfect and perhaps the drawback about doing business with people is... the people themselves. I will share my personal remedy and solution with you whenever you encounter people that you think are a waste of time, or you're not too interested in dealing with in your Helpouts session.

Video 12 - The Game Plan To Make Your Helpouts Business Profitable!

This is the summed up master plan to make Google Helpouts your standalone business or addon income stream!

Teaching to Google Helpouts

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