I posted about North American Power and the states in the USA that can save money on their energy (natural gas and electric) bills. As I read through the comments from others I realize that I left a lot of questions unanswered and led people to believe that because they reside in another state they can not benefit from the company. 

I am sorry for misleading people. EVERYONE in the United States can and WILL benefit from North American Power. 

Just because you can not get the service right now doesn NOT mean that you can not build a business with NAP. It doesn not mean that you will never be able to get the service.

This is how it works; for right now the service is only in 11 states BUT over the course of the next couple years we are expanding into the other 39 states and because of this the residents of the other states; if they join and become members now are putting themselves into a position that will allow them to make money and I don't mean just a little bit of money either.

American Wind is the program for those of us; like myself that live outside of the states being currently serviced.

If you remember when Bell was the only phone company and when other companies started then you will understand exactly what is going on right now with energy.

There are other companies similiar to NAP but there is NOT another company that can compare to NAP. 

With NAP if you live outside of the servicing states you join as American Wind and once it is in your city your automatically a customer.

There are several ways we are paid with this company but to me that isnt the most important aspect of my new career.

NAP helps people save money, we help the environment and we help ourselves.
Our company is a TEAM! The support is the best I have ever come across. We have daily 'Lunch And Learn' meetings Monday through Friday, training on Sunday and Monday nights and live power hours meetings on Wednesday nights.

We are given TWO FREE websites, FREE landing page builder, and the ability to change lives for millions!

So please do not hesitate to ask for more information, regardless of what state you live in because this is going to be HUGE! It already is huge and the company is adding new states ALL the time.

Do you want more information? Do you want to become a customer and save? Do you want to make money?

Contact me at margodjohnson@gmail.com "NAP INFO" or message me here.

Lets connect and change your life.

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