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A Google Hangout is an online application inside of Google’s social network, Google+. The application exists for every user that has an account on Google+.

Recently in the past year, users that have had Google accounts of any kind, including Gmail, YouTube and Google Drive, had their accounts turned into social network accounts. In other words, everyone that logs in to Google in any way, is effectively entering their Google+ account.

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The intent of Google was to make this an interesting way to interact with people.  However, the reaction of Internet users has been mixed.

Although many have Gmail accounts, not everyone wants to interact in real time with those with whom he or she is connected through Gmail. In the same way, there are a number of people that have YouTube accounts that may or may not want to interact with those who are connected with them on the Google social network. They prefer to interact only with those individuals that comment on their videos on the actual video sharing site.

Click here for a tiny investment of $47, you'll be able to get access to my entire 20 step video course.

As a business owner, you may not yet have already secured a Google+ account for your personal and business needs. While the steps to take in order to get things set up may be easy, they are somewhat permanent in their effect.

Therefore, one of the most prudent things that you can do is to think clearly about what you want to do with Google+ and the Hangout application. Indeed, this may require the advice and services of a local consultant to create a game plan for its business use.  They will have seen its use across a number of different industries.

These social connections are important to understand because that is the context in which Google desires its users to make use of Google Hangouts. It is intended to be a way to facilitate conversation with those with whom you are connected on e-mail, video and social network.

As is the case with any website or network, Google’s goals are to do what they can to get you to stay on their site. Their desire is for you to engage in activities to stay on their site, so that they may at some point present an advertisement to you for one of their customers.

However, Internet users haven’t yet given up their time on other social networks like Facebook to use Google+ in great numbers.  Therefore, this network has not been in use widely among businesses. Consumers and businesses are now discovering its benefits for the first time.  The good news is that users that come to Google+ are often attracted by the Hangout application.

As you grow in your use of Google+ Hangouts, you will need to use every available means in order to get potential prospects and customers to take note of when you’re conducting them. Since they are unlikely to already have joined the social network, you'll need to make sure that any Hangout you do is shared across the other networks. You'll also need to make sure that you use the opportunity in your Hangout presentation to invite others from all your social connection points.

Click here for a tiny investment of $47, you'll be able to get access to my entire 20 step video course.

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