Smart & Multi Type Marketing

Over the last 20yrs I have seen so much hype around the subject of marketing programs until it’s mind boggling . What ‘s more shocking is that many people who jump on those so called top advertising & marketing programs which in the end only amount to total hype and total fraud.

the new marketer person who jumped on that so called top Advertising program is now out of another $19.95 to $99.00 a month or more and in a deeper debt hole than when they started .

So of you reading this article you may laugh at them an say poor baby for them and they should known better.

Consider this when a baby is born it does not know what walking is or how to walk over time it has to learn how to walk.

When new people come online looking to join or expand their business thru online advertising they don’t know how to advertise and don’t know what’s real is advertising and what’s fake advertising.

Those of us who are seasoned marketers need to come up with a place or forum where we post these so called top advertising programs and we test and rate them and post whether they are really beneficial or are they totally fraudulent.

Than create a fraud or do not use these programs page for all those Advertising places that are scams, believe it or not who new people come online looking to find marketing programs to help them move forward but most of the time get ripped off.

It effects us all because they could have joined a good marketing program under you and me, but because they didn’t know about the forum on scam advertising or was warmed they get caught up in fraudulent advertising and lose their money. So season marketers think about what I am saying here!

Newbies and regular marketers can find good marketing programs online if we help them! Get all the real tools to help a newbie or season marketer for less
Learn more here! Newbie & Seasoned Marketing Help

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