Welcome to my personal Down Under portal.
My name is Maree Wells. Surfing and earning from New Zealand.
This is a step by step guide on how to work with SFI.
Why out of 1000's of sites I reviewed, I decided to join and make SFI the site I would join and start to earn a second income, working from home.
My main goal is to offer my 1435 (growing larger day by day) co workers. Psa's and Csa's the right support and training so they can achieve the same results and success that I do working from home with SFI.

I suggest to join SFI if you want to start working from home.
They are well established. Paying thier members for the past 14 years.

They have so many different avenues to earn revenue from.
They supply a great Advertising Package. Value over $295 FREE.

You get paid for shopping and selling 12 Levels deep.
I suggest to purchase here the every day household items you would normally purchase from your supermarket.


24/7 support. You will be given a link to my down line training website. Free step by step guide to refer to when I am off line. 
Team support is the key to achieving success.
I recorded everything at Dollar wise. So I could refer back to it often. Training and learning daily. I wanted to have a system in place, that I could send down line to. I started designing my Dollar Wise Training website in 2009.
They would benefit from all my donkey work. Avoiding the obstacles I challenged and dealt with on a daily basis.

I have never earned at a new site immediately it takes time and dedication with a lot of promoting to achieve results.

I get annoyed with a few banners as they are all hype with no results.
People say you will be earning hundreds by tomorrow.
In my 4 years of doing affiliate marketing this has never eventuated for me.

The beauty is. I will have a standing order monthly with the SFI Coop and TCredits. Building and growing my down line monthly.
This will create quite a snowball effect. Imagine my earnings in six months time

Also members are rewarded for shopping at my ECA website. Which is another great bonus.
I want to duplicate what I have achieved at Trade Me New Zealand.
I have over 1700 Feed back there. Very satisfied customers. 

The beauty is you do not need a shop or product to sell with SFI.
You can earn by supporting other ECA websites. Earning commissions as well.
You also can recommend and sell, their everyday household products, selling and earning 12 Levels deep. 
You do the selling they do all the hard work. No stress on your part.
SFI do all the posting collecting payments etc. Then they deposit your earnings into your own Master Card. Make a quick visit to your local Atm and make the withdrawals. Awesume.

Yes paying members Via their own personal Master Cards for over 14 years.
All I can do is show you how I earn daily. The next step is up to you.
Cheers Maree.
Silver Team Leader.

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