My foray into the world of Network Marketing was a painful experience because I was so Muleheaded as a newbie, I thought I had all the answers and couldn't be told or taught anything, so when I started in 07 I was in for a rude awakening with a Cherry on top and had no clue when the other shoe would drop.

I began by joining everything in sight, all I needed to see was a site that had cash falling from the sky, a sportscar, women by the pool, a big boat, a Mansion and a guy in a robe counting money smoking a cigar and I was hooked.

I didn't have a clue I was a fish in the making, at the end of it all, I was getting ripped off so bad I had to actually go to my bank and change my account number because I had no idea who was taking what when. It was an embarassing wake up call but one that was bound to happen, I was begging for it.

Then I got into affiliate Marketing and found out that I didn't have to break out my wallet every time I saw something I liked, I could let someone else do all the heavy lifting, but eventually I got overwhelmed and burned out because my plate was overflowing and I was all over the place and all dressed up with nowhere to go.

Fast foward to now, I sat back, took my time and figured ourt that I would have to carve out a hyper niche for myself if I were to survive in this game. A hyper niche is a niche within a niche, a specialty niche as it were.

I learned all I could about Mobile Marketing, mobile splash pages, QR codes and Social Media Marketing campaigns, I was laughed at because people were calling it a fad, I stuck with it and finally created my own hyper nich assisting people with their Online network Marketing systems and Social Media campaigns.

When you see a lot of successful people online what you don't see is their story, they didn't just wake up one day and strike it rich and if you ask them they'll gladly tell you about their trials and tribulations. This is just a condensed version of mine.

Am I where I want to be at the moment? God no, but I'm where I need to be, I almost didn't make it this far, in order to make it in this business you have to be driven, almost obsessed, you have to have vision and preserverance, this is not for the faint of heart, people pack it in and quit millions of times a day because this is by far the hardest job you've ever had in your life.

If you're interested in what Marketing System I'm using or what I'm involved in, feel free to stop by my site, it cost's nothing to look. Who am I? I'm YOU.

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