I chose EPN as my Home Business for several reasons, I've been involved in Home Based Businesses for a couple of years and I've noticed a few things for instance the absense of complete transparency in some of these programs. For instance, I was involved in a program that looked good on the surface until I got involved in them. Once involved I soon found out that I had to also buy into Awebber which was another expense. Although Awebber is one of the best auto-responders in the business, I would have been better prepared financially and mentally if this little fact was told to me in the beginning. That's what I mean about full transparency in this business, it seems everybody has a personal agenda and you're nothing but another number because these companies have no problem training their people that this is just a numbers game..

Another issue I had was the upper levels of companies give their execs. the power to have access to your back office leaving your downline exposed to all kinds of raids from your upline who has access to your people. I had people in my downline asking me did I know that they were approached by my upline trying to push their personal agenda's. The other issue I had and have is autoship, here I was locked into an autoship that was a must to be involved in the program. Eventually It was evident that I had more going out in autoship than I had coming in and that was a business model I just refused to live with. If you're still on the fence about what Home Business to get involved with make sure you do your due diligence. Do you understand the companies comp. plan?

Does the comp. plan work in your favor? Are the owners of the company legit? What's their history? Is the company doing anything to help the community? Are they just blowing smoke? What happens when the hype dies down? Is your upline really there to help you? How much is their autoship if they have one? How much is the initial cost? Can you affor their monthly fee? Are you getting your money's worth? What's their training like? What's the companies mission statement? Will they take my money and disappear into cyberspace? What's their policy if you want to get out? Do you have access to your sponsor? These are some of the questions I had to ask myself before I got involved with EPN and they passed with flying colors. The owners have been in the trenches, the owners have been in the true struggle, the owners don't play games.

In these turbulent financial times, nobody has a dime to waste on nonsense, most of us are just a few checks away from being totally destitute, thats how serious things have gotten in these last few years and people are finally realizing that their futures working on a job fulfilling someone elses dreams isn't where its at. If you're interested in what I'm involved in and want more information feel free to check out my site or call me, serious inquiries only because my time is not yours to waste and visa-versa.

Paul Hines
Skype: paul.hines7


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