Welcome to the world of Blogging - If there is anything you must start online as a matter of urgency, it has to be blogging. In fact, if you aren't yet blogging, you are probably missing one of the the most important, most satisfying, and most rewarding online adventure of your life.

 Why is blogging so important? Apart from other great benefits that come with blogging, you can actually make money through blogging; very good money for that matter. But before you decide whether to blog or not, let's take a look at the top 10 essential benefits you can derive from Blogging.

1. It cost little to own a Blog - Blogging is one of the lowest cost business you can ever think of starting, you don't need thousands of Dollars to start – A $10 online domain name registration and another $2 for hosting package is just enough to get you started and become your own business owner. You can even start blogging without spending any money at all, using free applications!

2. Blogging Makes You Popular - Great companies will pay to consult you and you will wine and dine with the top society class. Media houses will feature you regularly and everyone would want to hear from you. If you ever dreamed of becoming popular, blogging may be your one and only viable platform.

3. Blogging Develop You Intellectually - When you blog, you'll become expert in your chosen niche. I've seen people who knew next to nothing about the subject they chose when they started blogging it, but today they're expert in that niche. I'm one of such Bloggers and there are thousands of others out there.

Put your knowledge and experience out there and over time you will establish yourself as an expert in your niche.

 4. You Help People Solve Problems - According to one Blogger: "There is nothing like receiving a comment of how something you wrote solved a problem for somebody. The only thing to top that is to receive a comment about how something you wrote 2 years ago helped somebody today. You talk about maximizing your influence!" There is nothing as rewarding as that and that's one of the things you can achieve through blogging.

 5. Blogging Gives You Voices - Out there, you have no voice but if you're a Blogger, the world will hear you through your blog. If you take your blogging serious and make your Blog popular, even the president will hear and pay attention to you. What you say will matter a lot and count in the society. You can get your voices out there through blogging Instead of murmuring behind your closet.

6. Blogging Help You Have Your Own Company - From the first day you set up your first blog, you've started your own private company that will soon become employer of labor. Imagine the prospect of building your own company with almost zero capital? That's the opportunity that Blog can offer you. There are Nigerians who have become employers 100% from their blog.

7.Blogging Assist You Publish Your Book - One successful Blogger puts it this way: "If you desire to be an author, blogging can be a great avenue toward reaching your dream. Many successful authors started with blogging. Through a blog, you can create the content for your book and build a following who will purchase your book." when published.

8. Blogging is a Great Branding Tool - Any company or business that doesn't have a business blog is losing out badly. There is no better way to brand your business and reach out to potential customer than starting a blog right now.

Blogging can increase your personal brand like nothings else. It displays your knowledge and shows the world what you are all about. 

9. Blogging Connect You With Other Great Bloggers - The moment you set up your blog, you get initiated into the wonderful world of Blogsphere (community of Bloggers worldwide). Blogging has become an industry of it's own; complete with awards, recognition, and get together events.

You have the opportunity to rub shoulders with the industry bests and expand your horizon.

10. Blogging Make You Good MONEY! - Serious Bloggers earn nothing less than $2,500 monthly. While BIG Time bloggers earns several millions. Non-serious bloggers and bloggers who only know the BASIC, make few Hundreds or nothing. So where do you want to belong to?

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