Lego building bricks have entertained children for close to 100 years and even in today's digital society, these interlocking construction toys enjoy as much popularity as they did when they were created. By their very nature, Lego bricks encourage creativity, develop motor skills and increase spatial intelligence, making a Lego gift set one of the best toys to give to a child.

When very young children are given toys that are designed to connect and create larger things, they are encouraged to use critical thinking skills to gradually learn new techniques that will allow them to build more complex structures. This kind of learning is valuable in the further development of math and reasoning abilities as children grow and mature. The building of structures with the interlocking blocks also helps children learn to think in 3D, by which they intuitively learn about the properties of physics so when they begin a formal education of physics, they will already have an understanding of the fundamentals of the physical properties of things in space. A lego gift set that includes bricks of different sizes and shapes will encourage problem solving through trial and error to make things stand up, connect to other things and make smaller units become part of a larger unit. All of the skills that are learned through playing with a Lego gift set  are firmly rooted in a child's growing brain through non-verbal tactile experience and will be reinforced later through formal educational processes. This kind of preschool learning gives children that play with Lego bricks a definite advantage in the fields of math and science throughout their lives.

Besides developing math and science skills, a Lego gift set will encourage creativity in children as they learn to build interesting and functional models of familiar things that they are aware of through popular movies or culture such as fire engines and police cars to castles and super hero vehicles. Granted there are generally instructions included with a Lego gift set that is designed to build a specific  model but the creativity comes in when a child can alter and customize such a model and further make an environment or setting using other bricks that are not part of the custom kit. There is no end to the creativity that can happen when a child is given a bucket of Lego bricks to build with and they are encouraged to use their imaginations to create endless fantasy worlds.

Most children never outgrow a Lego gift set because of the endless possibilities of creative play and construction, but for those children that want more of a challenge, a Mindset Lego gift set will allow a child to design working robotic models using their favorite standard bricks with the addition of battery powered motors, infrared sensors and power transformers. While these sets can tend to be expensive and geared towards older kids, they are invaluable for encouraging science and math learning with a creative twist.

For further information regarding new Legos gift sets, please visit us at

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