What is PTC?

The term PTC means “Paid to Click”.  PTC sites provide an easy way to earn money online while sitting in front of a computer from home.  PTC sites works as middlemen between advertisers and consumers.  The advertiser pays for displaying ads on the PTC sites and this payment goes to the viewer when he/she views the advertisements.  You can only have one account in each site.  You cannot hold more than one account with same IP address or same computer.

How does PTC site work?

Earning money with PTC sites is very easy.  First we need to sign-up with some Legit PTC Sites.  Every PTC site displays some ads on a daily basis, which we have to click everyday in order to earn the money.  Simply click on advertisements and view for some period of time usually 10 to 30 seconds to earn money.  Most of the PTC sites pay from 0.01 to 0.05 cents for each advertisement.


How to earn more with PTC sites?

The key to success in PTC sites depends on the numbers of referrals you have.  The referral is a person who joins a PTC site through your referral links.  There are two types of referrals direct referrals and rented referrals.  There are several easy methods on how to get PTC referrals.  I personally don’t recommend renting referrals in any site.


How to avoid PTC scams?

There are 1000s of scammed PTC sites on internet.  There are very few trusted PTC sites, so when you work with PTC sites staying away from Scam PTC sites is most important thing.  There are several forced investment PTC sites.  If the any site asks you to invest in order to receive your payments, it may be a scammed PTC site.  A legitimate PTC Site never asks to upgrade membership to cash out.


How much I can earn with PTC sites?

This was the question everyone asks.  Don’t expect too much at the begging.  It is going to take some time to get all your module system setup and running smoothly.  For example if you click 10 ads per day, each ad brings you $0.01 so you will get $0.10 for your clicks.  If you have 20 referrals who click 10 ads per day you will earn $2 daily for your referrals clicks.  This example is only for one PTC site.

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