Daily Money making activities are essential to your success, there is no question, but do you know if your daily routine is as successful as it could be? Here are a few things that should be a part of your Every Working Day....

  • Failing to plan is planning to fail set goals and targets for the day, week and month
  • Use a stop watch or a timer. spend 50 minutes on tasks then take a ten minute break. If the task wasn't finished in the 50 minutes then move on anyway
  • 90% of your time must be spent in money making activities. Emailing is not a money making activity. Neither is checking emails
  • Multi tasking is not efficient
  • Avoid distractions at all costs. Your at work even though your at home
  • Create routines for everything that you do.
  • Ten minute breaks every hour. Work for fifty stop for ten
  • Time management is impossible. You must manage yourself in time
  • Drink water. On your ten minute hourly breaks
  • Exercise is vital. GET UP & MOVE on your hourly breaks
  • Eliminate energy robbers. NO JUNK FOOD
  • Wake up and Go to bed at the same time everyday.
  • Email rule number one- emails don't make money, so set a schedule for answering/sending them - once in the morning and once in the evening
  • Never spend more than thirty minutes per day on emails
  • Plan your learning and productivity as two separate activities
  • Phone call rule number one- call leads/ prospects on the same day that you generate them. The sooner the better
  • Phone call rule number two- block out one to five hours per day to connect with prospects
  • Always schedule time for family and friends
  • Take your spouse/partner to dinner at least once per week. If you don’t already, Have a meal at least once a week with your kids where you all sit down together.
  • Get in the right mindset before marketing. Every day before you start work, pray, claim your success, speak a mantra out loud.
  • Pick one strategy. and master it before you move on. it should take around 90 days to master
  • Set aside at least one hour per day for marketing training
  • Set a schedule and stick to it

Incorporate the Principals behind these Money Making Activities & You are sure to be successful in both life and business. Need more tools, resources, training or support? Connect with me on Facebook & lets make 2013 the Best Year Yet!

As Always, :) Best Successes - Paige Bliss
My Lead System Pro

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