Without an efficient headline, no matter how powerful your advertising copy is, it will be useless. To make sure that your prospects read your entire sales message, you need an effective headline. That will determine your success or failure of that ad copy. You have got to capture the reader’s attention by placing something in front of them that will interest them and have them wanting to learn more. If you cannot do this, you will not make a sale. Most marketers have not mastered getting or increasing sales because they are not giving the readers what they want or they are not placing influential information in front of them to connect with them.

These 10 Headline Writing Tips will help you when it comes to improving your advertising results and in turn, increase your sales. They will help you whether you are just starting out with writing sales letters and ads or if you already have a winning headline.

1.       You want to always include the prospects name in the headline you choose. People love seeing their names. This is a sure way to get their attention and they will read the entire sales letter or sales ad.


2.       You want to always put your headline in quotation marks. This will lead your readers to become more aware of seeing the headline as being a testimonial and shows that it has credibility. Credibility = Believability = Increased Ad Response Rate



3.       Be sure not to make your headline “HUGE”. Having a bigger headline will not get you a significantly bigger response to your ad. The saying holds true, “Bigger is not always better.” Your headline needs to be in a size or font that is comparable to the rest of the sales letter or ad. Many prospects see the huge headlines as being hype and this will diminish credibility.


4.       Never end headlines with periods. A period is a sign that will cause your prospects to pause when reading and they will possibly stop reading completely and move on to something else. Our minds have basically been programmed to pause whenever we see a period. That was taught early on in life. You want to add excitement to your headline by using an exclamation point at the end of it, leave it open ended, or use “…” so that you will push your reader to continue reading into the body of the sales letter.


5.       If you want to successfully build interest and keep the reader excited, you need to use between 1-3 subheadlines which should be much smaller in comparison to your main headline and each subheadline before it. Before they even realize it, your reader will be in the body of your sales letter.



6.       Several advanced techniques exist to construct amazing headlines. But the most efficient and straightforward thing to do in creating an effective headline is lead with the absolute best benefit that your service or product will give. Adding “How To” will help achieve this. An example would be, “How To Make Sales on Autopilot While You Sleep Within the Next 24-48 Hours!” That creates excitement in the mind and an urgency to continue reading to find out how.


7.       Whenever you use the “$” in your ads or sales letter, you want to let prospects know that you are helping them to save money or either make extra money with whaetever you are offering them. To do this, you would add decimal points to the dollar amount. (Ex. $1,500.00)  Which one do you think will look like more money to the reader, $1,500 or $1,500.00? But if you are listing a price for what you are offering, you want to lessen the number of zeros in that price. So if your service or product is going to cost them $1,500 then you don’t want to list the price as $1,500 or $1,500.00. You need to put is as something that is less threatening to the prospect which would be something like $1,499. In their mind that number is not as big as $1,500 or $2,500.


8.       When you use a grabber along with the headline, you will get better results. What is a grabber? Well a grabber is a small picture of a trinket or a gadget that you will place in the sales letter to get attention. Things like real money, magnifying glasses, fake checks, etc can be used as grabbers. You want to cleverly tie your offer and grabber together so that it works. That is key to making the sale. Place a headline either above or below or in both places to create a really powerful ad or sales letter.



9.       Create a newsworthy headline everytime. For example, “How To Get Your Tax Refund in 8 Days!” is a good headline that is very benefit oriented, but using something along the lines of “Local Tax Planner Helps Clients To Get Over $1.5 Million in Tax Refunds!” is even more newsworthy.


10.   Use a thorough and precise testimonial as your main headline. It could be something like, “I made over $24,000 in Four Weeks, and another $8,000 in Three Days!” This shows specific details as a testimonial. Because this is real, it comes off more appealing and newsworthy to the prospects. And you can also add a real name to that headline.


So now that you have your 10 headline writing tips, get started on your powerful sales letter or ad copy that is sure to increase your sales.

P.S. Check out how these homeless guys turned their situation around for the better using a simple Blogging Website with Phenomenal Training and have helped thousands of others to do the same! 

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