If you are product owner and you want to sell it online I recommend you PaySpree.com.
All product owners and affiliate marketers is familiar with ClickBank. ClickBank is excellent but I think PaySpree is also good competition.

What makes PaySpree different than other similar networks?

The main difference is you get paid instantly to your chosen account, PayPal, Payza or Money Bookers.

Register PaySpree!

What you get if you are Vendor?

  • Your product is listed in the network for at least 30 seconds.
  • There is no product approval process.
  • The sales are paid to your chosen account (PayPal, Payza or Money Bookers).
  • PaySpree take care for all affiliate sales for you.
  • Very low transaction fee
  • Encrypted download pages

What you get if you are Affiliate Marketer?
  • Large commissions and low transaction fees
  • Great conversion statistics
  • Get paid instantly to your chosen account

I want to mention that PaySpree as ClickBank has huge marketplace.

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