Is a scam?

Over the last few days,I am sure that many of you have seen emails about the so-called banning of MlM and other internet marketing sites by The Payza company.

What struck me when I read the first of these is that while the email claimed that everyone must transfer all funds from Payza to this new site called Egopay immediately or risk losing them. As a Payza business account holder and website owner, I had not heard one word from Payza regarding any changes to my sites ability to accept payments.

Naturally, I went to the Payza Blog to see what was really going on.

What I found was that Payza has updated the user agreement to ban certain types of websites, most of them illegal, from using their service.


Also,There is no information about Egopay anywhere on the Payza blog. I have been reading emails from egopay affiliates saying things like You will lose all my Payza funds on July 20 if You do not switch to Egopay.

Payza and Egopay are working together. Egopay was started by Payza.

EgoPay is the new processor that you must join in order to continue using and receiving your Payza funds:


Payza has already notified all site owners that will be affected by this change and that is it. If the sites you are a member of are still using Payza than you will not be affected.

All I can say about all this is that after careful scrutiny of the Egopay website and it's policies, etc., I seen no reason to join or use them and frankly,after seeing all of the mis-spellings on the site ,the lack of merchants using the service and the fact that they are headquartered in BELIZE and could close TOMORROW with no fear of prosecution , This may just be the biggest internet scam I have ever seen.
Whenever this many lies are being used to recruit new members,I see red flags.

I for one will be watching to see what happens.
Do your homework on this one,folks.

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