It doesn't take a lot to make an ex-homeless
guy happy.

A decent meal.

A car that doesn't sputter.

And a luke-warm shower.

We're really not that hard to please.

But if you want to see 2 ex-homeless guys
have a absolute blast....

.....put them on stage on front of 1,200 roaring
people and let them count out fist-fulls of cold
hard cash....

....$100 bill

....after $100 bill.

Your life isn't complete until you see it :-)

For 1,200 people in Atlanta in June, they
witnessed this rare act of homeless guy
shenanigans..... we counted out $12,000 LIVE....

....and handed it over to Mack Zidan.

See the pictures of us counting out and
handing over the CASH below.

2 ex-homeless guys + $35,000 cash = good times:

But even ex-homeless can guys get bored.

And even ex-homeless guys, as simple as they
may be, can begin to think some things in life
are just wussy.

So after discussing it the other day, we decided
that $12,000 was actually kind of wussy.

And that's when we came up with this....

2 ex-homeless guys + $35,000 cash = good times:

I think you're gonna love that.

let me know your thoughts.

And for heavens sake.....

Just get in already:

It's ONLY $25 bucks.

Even a homeless guy can afford that :-)

- David Sharpe
"Ex-homeless Guy Gone Wild"

P.S. The conference call you're about to
listen to on this page was one of, if not the
most historical call we've ever done.

Listen to it.

'Like' it.

And share it with the world.

Everyone needs to hear it.

You'll know what I mean when you listen.

Go here, now...

2 ex-homeless guys + $35,000 cash = good times:

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