Welcome to the Profitable Writing System - series of Articles right here over the next several weeks and months! I’m so excited about your decision to go through the information I put together here. That’s because if you want to learn how to turn your words into money in the bank, then you’ve come to the right place!

You see, over the next several weeks and months you’re going to learn everything you need to know about using short articles to drive massive traffic to your sites, build your list and sell more products. Here’s a sneak peek at what’s coming up:

You’ll discover the five main purposes of an article – and how to construct articles that serve these purposes.

You’ll find out how to optimize your articles for the search engines to pull in traffic from Google, Yahoo!, Bing and other search engines.

You’ll discover the places to submit your articles to, including article directories, popular niche blogs, social media sites and so many others.

You’ll find out how to write engaging articles that keep your readers hanging on your every word. You’ll even discover some little-known tricks to make sure your readers always read your entire article!

Plus you’ll discover how to write a persuasive resource box that gets people rushing to click through to your website.

And much, much more. By the time you’ve finished this course, you’ll dang-near have a PhD in content marketing – and the bank account to prove it!

Now, over the coming lessons you’re going to get an in-depth look at the entire content marketing process, plus you’ll discover several little-known article marketing tricks. But first, let’s start with a good overview of the process so that you know how it works…

Step 1: Choose your purpose. Before you even think of writing an article, you need to figure out why you’re writing the article. For example, do you want readers to take a specific action when they finish reading the article? Do you want to use the article to build your brand? Do you want to use it to pull in traffic from the search engines?

Step 2: Create the article. Once you decide on your purpose, then you need to create an article that serves this purpose. For example, if your goal is to pull in traffic from the search engines, then you need to choose keywords and write articles around the keywords.

Step 3: Write the resource box. Once you’ve completed the actual article, your next step is to write a resource box (AKA “author’s bio” or similar names). Don’t let the name fool you – it’s not really about you (the author). Instead, you should use this space as a mini-ad to get people to take a specific action, such as click on your link.

Step 4: Distribute the article. Once your article is complete, your next step is to distribute the article as widely as possible This may include submitting it to article directories (like ezinearticles.com), posting it on your blog, asking other people to post it on their blogs, sharing it on niche forums, distributing it on social media sites (like squidoo.com and facebook.com)… and so much more.

Overall, it’s a pretty simple process. But the real magic is in the details. And it’s those magic details you’ll discover in this series of Articles right here over the next several weeks and months, starting with the next lesson… so stay tuned!

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