The whole point of creating a Facebook Page for your
business is to build a fan base of people interested in
your product or service, right?

Facebook Pages are a great tool for interacting with
your fans on a regular basis and for them to discover
whether or not your product or service is right for them.

But to build a HUGE fan base you need people clicking
the all mighty "LIKE" button. Yep, the tiny little button
sitting at the top of your page. :-)

Gone are the days of "Become a fan." Today, it's all
about the "LIKES" and YOU WANT THEM (a lot of them!)

Because without them... you have ZERO reach. If you
have zero reach, you make ZERO dollars.

And this is where most Page Admins fall flat on their

Let me explain...

Have you ever visited a Facebook Page for a business,
only to land on their "Wall" where you see the comments
and status updates?

If so, did it make you want to "LIKE" the page?

Probably not.

Allowing your visitors to land on your "Wall" is the #1 mistake
Page Admins are making all across Facebook.

But it doesn't have to be this way...

Because as a Page Admin, you have the ability to create
a custom landing page AND set this page as your "Default
Landing Tab" for your Page.

You'll first need to install an iFrame application into your
page (which is beyond the scope of this post unfortunately.)
This will allow you to create a custom tab on your Page.

Once you have your custom tab, you will want to create
some type of "offer" along with a "call to action" to entice
people to "LIKE" your page.

An example offer would be something like this:

"Click Like Above To Get Access To _______"

It's proven that you will get more "Likes" just by making
this one small change to your Facebook Page.

Good luck!

FREE presentation at: DoubleYourLikes

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