Zeek Rewards Is Haram.
Check it!

There are two problems that I see with this:
1) This is too much like gambling. You have to be lucky to get the last bid in. Also, you are paying money hoping for a chance to get a reward, which is pure gambling.
2) You are taking money from people and giving most of them nothing in return, which is not allowed

I therefore believe that penny auctions are haram. Not only should we not run them, we should avoid them and speak against them. It is just a tool for taking money from the poor and accumulating it with the rich but not giving the poor a fair compensation. I wish Allah gives you the understanding of just how evil this is: gambling and accumulation of wealth by unjust means. We should oppose penny auctions in every way possible

See this example from http://www.pennyauctionsreview.org/ that proves my point

For example, let’s say that an auction site has an iPhone listed for an online auction. After all the bidders have placed their bids and the countdown timer has been reset numerous times, the winner is finally announced and won the item for just $11. This may sound too good to be true, but let’s look at how much money the auction site actually makes from this single sale. Since the winning price is $11, this means that 1,100 bids were placed. Since each bid cost the bidders $1, the website just made $1,100 just from bids plus another $11 for the cost of the item. Just for sake of example, let’s say this iPhone cost the website $300. This means that the auction site just made $811 from this single live auction. (TAKING MONEY WITHOUT GIVING A BENEFIT)

But let’s look at how much you paid for this iPhone. You won the auction for $11, so you must pay this. Plus, let’s say you placed twenty-five bids on the item. This means that you paid just $36 for a brand new iPhone. Now that’s a deal.

By Saeed Afridi

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