My Youtube subscribers i could count on one hand in over a year.  
I joined  and within 10 minutes i had 20 subscribers.  I also had the option to get Youtube video views.  I added my twitter account twitter@turnrichcom and had 16 followers within the hour.  I been struggling with Google plus. I'm realizing that Google plus has the brightest future in social media.  

After 3 months of promoting my website i only had 19 people on Google plus.  Now that i have joined this program after 2 hours i have 60 people following me now on Google plus circles.  

Another really cool feature to the website is they have a 100 point daily log in bonus.  You gain points by the same way you get followers by joining or liking somebodies social media site.  You set the limits of points you are willing to give up for each site. Naturally the higher amount of point you set the more hits you will get though you will burn through your points much faster. 

10 is the highest setting you can have for giving points. 2 is the lowest setting you can have.  For my twitter i set it at 5.  For my google plus followers i set it at 9. For Youtube subscribers i have it set at 6.   There is an option to buy points though i don't plan on ever doing that! The way the system is set up you can join other sites very fast and gain points very quickly that way.

They even have an Auto Surf feature so you can gain points that way and convert them to your other social media sites!

This is not a gimmick. This is real and gets results fast!

If you use Twitter, Facebook, Youtube or Google plus this will give you the edge that will put you over the top. Now that google is placing a higher search engine result factoring in your social media presence. This could be the deciding factor if your webpage gets listed before your competitors.

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