Thank You! For NOT Thanking Me!

Today I am going to write about another type of spamming: comment spam.

We are being told one should engage on social media and interact with others in a constructive way. The best way to do that is by writing yourself and by posting comments that either help or ad value to a post.

I sometimes do say little more than "Thank you" in a post when in am in a hurry. I do it sometimes on posts from people that know me and know that I usually make an effort to make a good comment. They will forgive me for that.

However there are also people that comment on everything posted with "thank you" or "nice post". I really dislike that and I consider it spam. The objective of these persons in my opinion is to get their faces all over a network and hope that people visit their profile that does the selling. As I wrote in other articles, a well set up profile and ABC that are kept up-to-date are the best marketing tools you can have on social media. Posting 'rubbish" comments will achieve the opposite. I see this comment spam happening here on APSense and many other networks.

I usually read and respond to comments so I check what is written. With the exception from those persons that "comment" with only "thank you", "nice post", or similar mostly. I do not like wasting my time viewing dozens of comments that say nothing. At some point I will no longer make an effort to write comments on contributions that such a person writes; I just ignore them. Nor will I continue wasting time to read their meaningless comments on my posts. 

However people can change and newbies can learn. If I happen to see a positive change I will adjust my behavior accordingly.

This being said I think such behavior as I just described, writing comments that say nothing, is comment spam and I do not like to waste my time on spammers. Meanwhile I know a lot of people that do make an effort and who's comment I will read always. And what's more I check their profile to see if they published new stuff regularly. 

And I dare say there are more like me. So if you are posting comments that say nothing over and over again, you will achieve the opposite of what you are trying to achieve, visits to your profile, and people will start ignoring you completely.

Of course nobody can comment on every post written that they like. But f you have nothing to say, don't! When you want to SAY "thank you" or  say that you appreciate the content, at least add a few lines of the why the post was of special interest to you. Most networks have features to like, vote, thumbs up, share or what ever. That fully suffices to show your appreciation. And believe me, serious marketers will note that without you posting a comment that you shared their stuff and return the favor.

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