As APsense is an extraordinary business community (this can confirm a lot of users, for sure), the Fanbox is somehow special and unique, too. At first, because of philosophy behind social networking and it's business model (Knowledge economy) and second, because of various ways how to earn money with your own creativity. I created  a RevPage for that, if someone interested more

So, I'll continue with earnings ;)

Knowledge Producer
Maybe very complicated word - WTF is Knowledge producer? No panic, nothing complicated, esspecially for those who has a mileage to write blogs and articles. If you have something in your mind which can entertain, educate or inform members, than share you knowledge! Fanbox will bring you audience and earnings. Some my blogs as examples: My Chunks, Femme Fatale, Superheroes 
Some people will ask here: How? How they bring you audience and money?...just continue reading.... ;)
Knowledge Provider
As knowledge provider you can offer products, services or blogs to community members. This can be products that you make yourself, or purchase from somewhere and sell in FanBox. You can offer services for things you can do from home (and provide over the Web) or can do for people that live in your area. You can also sell subscriptions to your own blogs. You can make part of your blogs or posts free, and part of them premium. This provider function is similar like Talents here at APsense. What knowledge to provide? You're only limited by your imagination.....

Categorizing and rating posts
This is one of the simpliest ways to earn in Fanbox. When you browse the community content and read posts, you have the ability to categorize and rate posts. How? Each post must have defined up to six keywords which the best describe post. And you, as a reader, rate that keywords how they're relevant to the posts content from 1-10.  With this action you help Fanbox Search engine. Every Categorizing & Rating action you take is recorded to create a comprehensive history of all your decisions.

You can earn by advertising other community members posts, services and products! Yes, this is correct. You can launch ads for other knowledge producers and knowledge providers (which means for other community members). How this ads are funded? There's two way of funding - first one that you pay the campaign - and second - you'll not believe - you do not need to fund ads, you can create ads for yours and others posts and starts campaigns for free, the ads are funded by Boosting funds and you still get compensation for your work - creating advertisement.

Knowledge Investor/Booster
As Knowledge booster you simply put or let's say invest your money in the Booster foundation which is used to fund all free created ads I mentioned in previous paragraph. This is the simplest way to see your money grow. And here you have two principles again - you allow Fanbox to controll your investment, - this is the fastest way, ussually the minimum or guaranted return or, you can choose how big you want your return to be, which takes various time.

You can earn by educating people in achieving the best results in community. At first step, you're a teacher for all members who join the community under you. If you're succesful (which means that your students understand the principles and their revenue grow...) you can become a Success Coach and take a part in leading this community.

So, that's from my point of view, major. There's a lot of details of course, but if you choose to view the community, I'll be your first teacher ;)

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