I happened to stumble upon a thread on Apsense about what we thought about web traffic and was inspired to write a quick article. Buying web traffic has become an art form, in the early days, all you needed was a little cash and the traffic came with buyers! Affiliate marketers would compare those days to the Gold Rush. Today, you have to be diligent and you have to prove to your prospect that:

1. You are legit and your not out to scam your visitor.
2. You offer incentives such as free gifts, newsletters etc.
3. Create layers. Sometimes you have to build a website with quality content in order to get your visitor to your sales page
4. Videos. Not necessary but it boost your income.

If you don't pamper your prospects you get nothing. This is why buying traffic is not as easy as it once was. Your best option is to create a website with quality content. If you do this, the search engines will keep your website in front of the rest. The only problem is that it takes awhile and many people don't take the time to do the necessary things to rank their site.

If you decide to buy traffic, spend wisely. Do not assume the traffic is good. For example solo ad bought from a list of 100k may not convert as well as a list of 5k. The trick is to test the list and if you are satisfied with the results buy more solo ads.

Keep in mind that most list get bombarded with opportunities so you have to have solid ads. However, if you are willing to take the time to just build a website and create quality content, then by all means. The traffic will continue to come at a steady pace and you will spend less.

My Take? Go with organic traffic!

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