I had one of the interesting channels I follow on YouTube inform me that he was starting another channel for a specific project and it woke me up to the possibility of doing the same thing myself.

Why would I even want more than one channel?

Because I have finally landed on one money making opportunity that is good enough, that I want to focus on it completely without distracting my visitors with all the fun things I have been using YouTube for over the last 5 or 6 years. I certainly didn't want to lose all that hard work, so a new channel seemed like a good solution.

Accomplishing that task was quick and simple. I just logged into another one of my Gmail accounts, then clicked on YouTube on the black menu bar at the top. A message appears that reads:

It looks like you don't have any subscriptions yet.

Get started by adding channels

Believe it or not, that's all there is to it. Now all that's left is setting up your new Channel and there are plenty of tutorials on YouTube to help you do that.

So have fun with this and stop by my new channel for a visit:


While you are there, click the subscribe button and then hover over it and check the box to be notified when I post a new video.

See you on the Tube!

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