Sharing can build your reputation and online presence. What many people do not realize is that it can destroy your reputation just as easy. 

A while ago I posted a link on IBO directing to a longer article. 2 seconds after I posted it I got a message that somebody had tweeted it.

So I replied 'thank you very much, but why? You can't have read it in 10 seconds'.

The reply was that he wanted to help and that it was simply the IBO spirit to do so.

Now in this case this man shared an article about a legitimate business (my favorite network) but what I had written a flaming recommendation for a ponzi scam? 

I feel the same way about endorsing opportunities and people.

On many sites you can earn points, credits, levels or what ever for voting or sharing.

Sharing is a great thing but I feel you should be selective in sharing. Personally I never share, tweet or like something if I do not know what it is about.

Lol shortly after above incident I posted this very same article. I obviously was reported by some members since I was banned for weeks for posting negative comments. I guess I was not compliant with the IBO spirit.


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