Joe lived in small house together with his wife and 4 kids. There was not much room and it was noisy. He complained about it a lot since, although he had some savings, he could not afford a bigger house.

One day he visited a colleague who lived in a nice house with a garden. He even had a swimming pool in it. "Wow", he said to his colleague, "Awesom. But if you don't mind me asking: how can you afford it. You have the same salary as I have."

"Its not a big secret", his colleque replied, "I have built it my self. It is easy to build a house. And much cheaper to! Anyone can do it".

Joe got exited about the idea and allready saw the picture of his happy family in his mind. This was the solution he had been waiting for.

His colleque had been so nice to give him a member ship card of the build-a-house club and offer him the opportunity to become a paying vip member which would give him discount on building materials. The club only could have a limited members so he had to decide right away. He took the vip membership. It would save him money so how could he go wrong.

So Joe took his discount card and bought bricks, wood, windows and other stuff he thought he needed. He had it delivered on a little piece of land he owned. When it was delivered he scratched his head and said: "Now I have this great materials but I have no clue on how to turn this pile of materials in a house." "Well mate". the truck driver said, "It seems to me that you need a building plan so you know how to build a house".

Joe drove to the next bookstore and bought the book: How to build your dream house. It took him reading one chapter to realize that in his excitement he had forgotten some essential details. To work with the materials he needed tools and machines!

Again Joe pulled his wallet of which by now the bottom was in sight and bought the best tools money could buy. Like a state of the art wood worker machine.

All exited again Joe drove to his little piece of land to use his brand new wood working machine. To find out that he needed electricity to make the machine work. So he ordered to get electricity on his piece of land and (smart thinking) water and gas supply as well.

Ok his wallet was empty but he had all he needed to get started. It took quit longer as he anticipated since he had to figure out how some machines worked and what to do first. Many attempts failed. The things he constructed failed. He borrowed some money to buy some more books and tools.

Joe never built his house. The dream turned in to a night mare. His wife left him and he was living in motel room.

Not many people are as stupid a Joe in real live. Many are just as stupid in cyberworld when they believe the fairy tails of "its easy to make money while you sleep. No skills needed".

The point where I am getting at is that when you are trying to build an income the best tools and services are useless and a waste of money and time if you do not know how to use them. When you do not see how all things tie in and are related to each other. 

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