Those of us full-time or even part-time online are busy with more than one means of marketing our product and information. Those of us that use articles and blogs probably already know of Google's clamp down on so called Article Farming where even Ezine Articles themselves had many articles removed, they weren't the only ones, other article directories suffered the same fate from this "Google Slap"

It is difficult to create fresh unique content and not some simple copied and pasted or  re-spun content of wording and grammar that was easily produced using an Article Spinner. You know !  the Internet constantly changes rapidly and Google being the number1 recognized search engine source sets an ever changing set of rules.

The wrong way to create any content for an article or blog is to simply re-produce some other persons work in a clearly identifiable way. In today's marketing world you have to think smarter than ever before and so genuine content in your own unique style will prevail above all others and favor well with Google, Yahoo as well as other directories.

Now the big hold back there is of course taking the time to write an article using your own research and knowledge.   Now that I have created it; With Article Spinning I can Write It Once and Use It Over and Over, by re-writing my article with the push of a button have it ready to submit to my blogs and submit to many article directories

I do that using a sophisticated spinner called Spin Rewriter that is far ahead of its competition

If you are into blogs and articles, Article Spinning is a tool made for you and will save you hours of time and reduce your hassles with the search engines.  Get your copy Spin Rewriter today!


Dr Don Yates Sr PhD
Author - Internet Users Handbook, 2012 2nd Edition
Founder - The Internet Scams Anonymous Groups
Follow Me on Skype/Twitter - drdony, Facebook drdony1  ->

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