Amazon affiliate blogs in 3 mins. WP plugin

All I can say is ... WOW!

And to any Apsense member on the fence, get it NOW before the price goes up, but honestly, once you get it and use it, you will feel like you are stealing from George at any price!

Seriously, $100 would not be too much to pay, and $250 for a developer's license, IMHO.

 I installed and ran everything, was up and running the software in less than 25 minutes.

And actually running the software itself took 2 minutes, and I had 50 posts set for the next month!

2 minutes, 50 posts over the next 30 days! scheduled, with my Aff. link inserted. Unbelievable!!!

The posts are staggered to look human, and you can choose the frequency of delivery.

You can literally make and set up Niche Sites in 10 or 15 minutes.

Absolutely does everything it says and more!

Thank you

P.S.Amazon affiliate blogs
George even includes a little SEO Cheat Sheet that tells you how to make this Plugin work even better to help you keep the Big G happy. Amazing overdelivery!

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