One lie that you shouldn't listen to is that there is only one kind of affiliate marketing. Affiliates who find the most success run campaigns across several types of platforms. It is good to master one format first but after you do, add another one to your arsenal. Of course, each of these have their own set of rules. The devil is in the details, if you have a large content site and get paid by the number of ads that are shown on your site then you main goal is to get the visitor to view as many pages as possible but if you are doing a pay per lead campaign the you should focus on getting visitors to fill out a form. Your success with any particular affiliate program will all boil down to your passion or your determination to succeed.


 Also, keep in mind that it is natural to be more confident and comfortable with one traffic source than you may be with the rest. Before you make your final decision on a path to follow; keep in mind that some paths allow you to go a certain distance before it turns into a dead end. If you want to get started in affiliate marketing fast then you might want to consider pay per sale, with this model you can start right away; usually the same day you signup for the program; these usually have high payouts too. It's all about getting good at the fundamentals; do this and you will be ahead of 98 % of your competitors. Take the time to learn what you need to learn then apply it. Things like tracking and testing will also give you an upper hand and give you better results for your efforts.


The myth of saturation is so prevalent among affiliates that it scares me to think about it. Market saturation is a myth that is spread by losers, if you are a loser then listen to it but if you are a winner then ignore that garbage. A so called saturated market is usually to easiest ones to get rich in. The Internet is growing everyday so why be scared to enter any particular niche or market. All of this shows that there is always room to sell when you know that your target market is not limited. Imagine checking your email and seeing payment notifications from every continent in the world in your account. Saturation is not really possible in a large market because there are so many angles to market in it.


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