I’d like to tell you a little bit about my mom.  She has passed from this life but she taught me many things.  One of the things she taught me was to walk with confidence.

My mom in all honestly never walked, she strutted.  She stepped with a purpose, head held high.  That walk was more than a walk.  She grew up in Brooklyn, New York.  Brooklyn was not a trendy neighborhood when she grew up, not necessarily a horrible neighborhood but outside of the rich areas of the city New York had bad areas.  Her walk was a method of communicating.  Body language says much more than we think.

When my mom walked her body language was sending a clear message to others around her.  That message was “I belong here.  I’m not a target and tangling with me won’t be a walk in Central Park.”  She taught me with that walk that I could send a message that predators would see and interpret as “This girl is not prey.  She is not weak and victimizing her won’t be easy.”

There have been scientific studies into the relationship between criminals and their victims.  And scientists have seen that many victims seem to give off a vibe that marks them.  They broadcast to the criminals the message that they are afraid, uncomfortable in their surroundings or weak.  And just like the lion looking for the weak wildebeest, criminals will zero in on the person that broadcasts weakness before they will zero in on the person that projects confidence.

So what does this have to do with anything you ask?  It goes back to the title of this post “Are you a victim waiting to be scammed?”  Do you come online and broadcast weakness that a scammer can zero in on?  One thing that will attract a scammer faster than a fly can find feces is desperation.  Are you sending out a message of desperation?  You might not think that you are desperate but a scammer can smell it no matter how much you bluster.

Desperation Sign #1-Program Hopping

If you are jumping from program to program, scammers know that you want money now and you aren’t getting it.  You are open to them dangling that gold carrot.  They will lead you from program to program getting rich off of you while you desperately jump along behind them.

Desperation Sign #2-How can I make fast money for no investment

What is the 3rd Deadly Sin? Greed.  Scammers zero in on that underlying greed factor you want something for nothing and they will sell you the dream of untold wealth just for signing up.  I suppose you could add in another deadly sin to this one, sloth.  The scammer knows you want to sit back and have everything come to you without putting in any effort.

If you are displaying either of these desperation signs, you might as well prepare yourself to be scammed.  You are a scam magnet because you are displaying the weakness scammers are looking for.

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