After you have built your website, there are certain things you must do, and that is market your site. Marketing is essential for having a successful website.

Here are my 10 tips for network marketing.

1. After building your website, advertise, advertise, advertise. Remember this you can have a beautiful new home you just moved in, but if you do not tell anyone it was there, no one would see it. Well it is the same with your website. If you do not advertise, no one will ever come to your new website.

2. You do not have to spend a lot of money to have a profitable site. If you have the time to put into your site, there are all kinds of information on building a successful website. If you do not have the time you can pay someone to do the work . You can search on Google for help. Google has a website that gives any kind of information you need.

3. Get into social networks which is an excellent way to advertise. Groups like Google, yahoo, and others. These groups discuss just about any kind of product or niche that you are interested in. I like twitter, face book and my space.

4. Give away something free on your website. You can write an e-book and give it away, or free newsletters for your customers to respond to. Make sure you have an email responder on your website.

5. Write articles and submit them to different sites. This is one of the fastest way to get noticed by others opt in subscribers list.

6. Build a relationship with your subscribers. Always respond back to your customers. Let them know that your care about their concerns.

7. There is all kinds of information online about building a website. Search the web often. Listen to the the online videos that show you how step by step.

8. Everyday do a little something to promote your site. Even if it is just reading more information. You have to do a little something and eventually you will have less work to maintain you site.

9. You can optimize your website with the right key words. This will give you higher ranking in the search engines.

10. You can also do Google AdWords. This is where you can advertise for a small fee and your site can get seen if you follow their instructions.

These are just some of the ways I found helpful and I wanted to past it on to some newer website owners.

Annette McQueen is the owner of and wanted to help people learn from her adventures. Anette knows what it takes to succeed. You can find different training on her website also.

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