You know it's funny this time of the year to see people sitting in chat rooms and wasting the day away - when they should be making sure that they are putting out FRESH content. 

This is prime season for online marketers as the kids are back in school - more and more people are back online now looking for that opportunity to make them some extra money before Christmas. 

I don't know about where you live but the unemployment is an all time high and people are looking for ways to earn money from their home.  This is why it has been very IMPORTANT that you have been branding yourself all this time.

Most of you know that I basically live behind this screen and am I rolling in money - no not yet.  BUT I am not giving up as I can see the increase actually each month. 

Funny, I was chatting with a girlfriend the other nite and going thru one of those feeling sorry for myself - all these hours and my to do list don't get done.  I told her I feel like that I'm spinning my wheels - taking one step forward and two back.

Well, you know what her answer was - have you Google yourself lately?  After thinking about it, I said no it's been about 6 months now - the last time I remember was when my daughter-in-law had said she did and that I was on 15 pages at Google - and she said no wonder we never see you lololol

So after chatting with my girlfriend, I went and Google myself and what an uplift for me - wow it was a really eye-opener for me.  All those hours were not wasted - they were there and it sure was nice to see all my hard work and the best part was I now have 40 pages lol.

One more thing - if you don't think it helps to comment on others blogs - Google me and you will see that it does.  So bottom line everyone - get out there.

“There’s a difference between interest and commitment. When you’re interested in doing something you only do it when it’s convenient, when you’re committed you take no excuses only results.” Author Unknown

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